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The Art of Massaging

* Slow Massage - This is the most common method of massage and the most relaxing. The secret is to massage slowly while patting the skin. Using the fleshy part of your finger tips, press the skin lightly with a slow, stroking motion.. The process starts at the base of the neck at a slow speed. Stroking gives rest to the nerves and the vibration is useful in subduing pain that might be caused over more sensitive areas..

* Fast Massage - The front half of both the palms are used to massage at speed, taking care to make a circular motion upwards

* Pressure Massage - This is a method when slow, deep pressure is applied by the fingertips and is very effective for removing pouches beneath eyes.

-Stroking Massage - Cheeks are stroked with the tips of fingers and strokes are applied from the nose to the temples on both sides

* Pinching Massage - Effective for a sagging chin or wrinkles on the jawline, the skin is held, as in pinchers, between the thumb and fingers and gently massaged.

* Friction Massage - This massage requires pressure on the skin while it is being moved over the underlying bone and muscle structures. Fingers or palms are usually best for this type of massage and hard movements are usually employed on the scalp while light movements are used on the face and neck.

* Piano Playing Movements - This exercise develops facial muscles and makes them firm. It should be done with the fingers on the entire face, especially the cheek area.

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